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Your role as a band parent is an important one!

Notes from the conductor:


The most important thing you can do for the developing musician in your household is to encourage them.I realize it is not always easy listening to them play on their own without the rest of the band, but take a moment to tell them that they sounded better than they did last week.


Attend the concerts!!  I know this seems obvious - after all, what could make a child happier and more excited to know that mom, dad, grandma or grandpa are out there in the audience cheering them on.  But it breaks my heart when a student says, "Oh, my parents don't want to come to the concert." or "They are going out for dinner."  I understand the music does not always sound as good as the Prince George Symphony, but these are only students and they need your support.  All professional musicians started out as beginners at some point.


Piano lessons and private lessons:  This is a big thank you to all those parents that sent your children to piano lessons or private instrument.  Piano lessons help students develop music reading and listening skills that advance their band playing.  Lessons also introduce students to quality repertoire at a variety of levels.  Well done, parents!


Private Teachers: Nothing improves a musicians playing as much as practicing and taking lessons with a private teacher.  A private teacher can work to improve a student's sound, technique, tuning, articulation and style.  A private teacher can inspire a student with wonderful musicianship in a specialized way that a regular band teacher cannot.  For those parents whose children are struggling with beginning band instruments or those who would like to advance their current level of playing, I'd be happy to provide a list of my recommended private teachers. If any of them are too busy to accept students, ask them for their recommendations of other teachers.


Home Practice: If you do not hear your child practicing at home at least twice a week, you should ask them why they are not.  A musicians needs to practice at least twice a week in order to improve their skills.


How to help your developing musician - what to buy:


1. Wire music stand.  No musician should have to play with their music on their bed or on a chair.  The use of a wire music stand helps develop good posture and in turn good tone.


2. Metronome.  Musicians need to learn how to play rhythms correctly in time.  A "must-have" for percussionists.  A metronome is a small investment (~$25) that keeps a beat for musicians to practice scales, technique etudes and repertoire.  You can even use one online.  The electronic ones with a light are the best buy.


3. Tuner.  A tuner helps musicians play in tune.  Instruments, even very good ones, do not automatically play every note in tune; musicians need to adjust many notes with their lips or air to bend them into tune.  A tuner ($25) has a small microphone that picks up the sound and a level tells the player if they are sharp or flat.  Students should practice scales with a tuner as well as music that has very high passages. The Korg TM40 combines a tuner and a metronome.  It also includes a clip-on mic, an earphone and batteries.  All for around $35.00!!


Other upgrades: A better mouthpiece for any brass or wind instrument and good quality reeds such as Rico Royal or Vandoren.  For woodwind instruments, you may wish to upgrade to a better ligature or neckstrap. You may even want to reward your child with a new instrument - or as I mentioned above, private lessons.


If you would like advice on any of these items, please contact me - I'm happy to help!


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